How to buy cheap SEO tools | Group Buy SEO tools


So here s a deal everybody in blogging field want to rank site on high and for that you should have SEO Tools which is very important to research about keywords and to analyze your competitors. So am gonna tell you how to buy SEO tools in cheap price and what is group buy SEO Tools.

How to get Cheap SEO Tools

So As you know every blogger should have SEO tools for keyword research and to analyze their competitors and SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, Longtailpro etc are very expensive tools you have to buy them for a particular period its also not one time investment you have to renew  them monthly, quaterly and yearly. So its become very expensive for a starter blogger to afford these tools. Don’t worry we have another options which can give you your favorite SEO tools for very cheap price. Its like buying one expensive thing in group so that you can divide the investment money on every individual of group. In simple word we can get SEO Tools in cheap when we buy them in group. Now you will think that you have to find lots of peoples who wants to buy the  SEO tools then you will divide money so its not like that there are some platform from where you can buy individually SEO tools in the price of group buy.

What is Group buy in brief?

So as i explained little bit about group buy above you can get idea if you are little bit old in this line of blogging but if you are new then here is again a explaining in breif that what is Group buy SEO tools. Simply its a platform from where you can get SEO tools in cheap price so here is a deal how is this possible that ahrefs semrush types of tools which demand thousands of dollars in a year.  So am going to explain you in briefly that how its work.

So imagine that you are going to property which is so much expensive and you can’t afford that property alone then the owner said find someone who is like you looking for a property and then both of you buy the same property and pay half half money so that you can divide the part of the property half half so that you both will get your need fulfill  in less money. So if you get my example then you’ll get what i want to say its like share the service between group so that you have to pay less and with some limitation and advantage you can use the services.

Advantages of group buy SEO Tools

  1.  You have to pay less – This is the biggest advantage that you have to pay less because you are just sharing the service.
  2.  You can use high paid tools in cheap.
  3.  You can renew them in low price.

Disadvantages of Group but SEO Tools

  1.  There will be limit on using the service – You will get some limits on using the tools like in daily basis you can research few keywords only.
  2. You have to use the tools under companies account.
  3.  You can’t give the tools access to your friends. If they detect that you are giving to others then they will block you account and services.
  4.  You can’t sell it like  genuine services.

From where and How to buy SEO Tools in group

There are lots of sites available in the google who sell the SEO tools in group buy but all are not that much cheap there are only few sites who are selling the real cheap SEO tools services so i’ll tell you my experience and from where i personally purchase the SEO tools in cheap.


  1. Pro SEO Tools– This is the cheapest site ever i’ve seen you can go for it.
  2. Group buy SEO tools
  3. Supreme SEO
  4. Toolzap
  5. SEO GB

My personal Experience

So here is my personal experience i’ve already purchased my SEO tools from PRO SEO TOOLS this one is the best site i’ve ever seen as i mentioned above because its cheap and nice site user interface. And i think its good to buy SEO tools in group buy at beginner level  because you don’t have that much money to buy genuine SEO tools. So go for it guys.



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