How to do KYC of Industox saving account | Best saving account KYC


Guys today I’ll tell you how to do KYC of Industox saving account In previous article i already explained what is Industox account and how to apply for it.

Click here to Read that article

How to do KYC Industox saving account

I personally tried doing it with Video KYC Facility but it says an error which was the details you entered does not exist on my Data.

So i asked video branch about that and they told that you have to visit branch to do KYC if video KYC is not working for you So i visited branch of my City which was given to me and there i met with branch manager and he took my pan card and aadhar card photocopy and one passport size photo graph and given one form to fill some details and told me to sign on it.

Thats it you need only these things to do KYC and they raised a request and now I can see it on my mobile banking app. And it took about 1 day to complete my full KYC.

And after that they will automatically apply cheque book and ATM card for you on your permanent address.

It was my experience so try with video KYC if that does not work for you just go to branch.



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